

Two players at the center of the stage, facing away each other.

Long silence. Music starts.

+ I am confused. I need time.

- Why do people think that they would resolve their confusions by time? You will just forget them.

+ All the better.

- But you will also forget me in the meanwhile.

+ Well, if this is what it takes...

- I understand now.

+ No you don't. You think this is about you. You will never understand.

- Oh, is it a general attitude?

+ Would you believe me if I said yes?

- Not really.

+ You see? Your egocentrism prevents you from comprehending a natural indifference.

- A natural indifference?

+ Oh, please don't start again.

- But I really want to understand. I want to be able to act, to play, to join in. I want to feel peaceful when I'm among other people. You have to tell me about it.


- Come on, don't do this to me. We can talk. I am almost ready to get convinced. Tell me how it works.

+ I am confused. I need time.

Music stops.


İşçi Sınıfı Ateisttir.

Çok düşünmek sağlığa zararlı değildir, biber gazı sağlığa zararlı değil dediler ya işte.

“Ateistten, komünistten hayır gelmez vatana millete.” Böyle derler çünkü onlar müslümandır. Müslümanlık dediğin, Filistin'i bombalayanla silah ticareti yapmaktır. Müslümanlık dediğin, Irak işgaline katılmaktır. Müslümanlık dediğin sağlık hakkını ortadan kaldırmak, eğitimi müslümancı özel dersanelere teslim etmektir. Müslümanlıkta kader vardır, demek ki madencilerin de kaderi vardır. Müslümanlara güzel allahları verdikçe verir, ama her nedense bu rab bizlere zırnık koklatmaz. Şaka yapmıyorum, gerçekten, hakiki müslümanlık budur.

Dikkatli bakın. Keza hıristiyanlık da böyledir. Tüm dinler tek bir dindir:

Bu dünyanın allahı paradır. Para dualara yanıt verir, tüm bilgiyi yönetir, hatta diğerlerinin neyi bilip neyi bilmeyeceğine de karar verir; para her şeye kadirdir. “Böylece, yapabileceklerim hiçbir şekilde benim kişiliğimle belirlenmez. Çirkin olabilirim, ama kendime güzel kadınlar
alabilirim. Dolayısıyla çirkin değilim, çünkü çirkinliğin etkisi para tarafından hükümsüz hale gelmiştir.”1 Bunların dünyası budur. Doğal olarak bu dünyada; ülkeler pazarlanmak içindir, sanat ucubedir, dereler boşa akarlar ve üzerlerine baraj yapılsın diye beklerler.
Bunların dünyasında siz, kurban olun ateistlere, komünistlere.

“Bu dünyanın allahı paradır; burjuvazi proleterin elinden tüm parasını alır ve böylece onu pratikte bir ateiste çevirir.”2

Burjuvaziyle işçi sınıfının ortak paydası, olsa olsa, iki bin yıl önce bir göçebe grubuna rehberlik eden bir köpek, veya bilemedin göğün yedi kat üstünde yaşayan bir adam olabilir. Din, burjuvaziyle işçi sınıfının bu dünyada hiçbir ortak paydası olmadığının itirafıdır.
Ve tam da bu yüzden, ister imam ordularıyla, ister dört artı dört artı dört ile, ister biber gazı ve panzerle saldırsınlar; ne ateistleri ne de komünistleri yok edemezler.

Bizler sorun çıkarmak için gelmedik, sorun var olduğu için geldik.

“Polis kuralları çoğaldıkça çoğaldı, ama polis kuralları işçi sınıfının ızdırabının anca etrafını çevirebilirler, onu ortadan kaldıramazlar.”3 Bu ızdırap var olduğu sürece, mücadelemiz de var olacak. Dosta düşmana duyurulur.

1Karl Marx – 1844 Elyazmaları [özgür çeviri]
2Friedrich Engels – İngiltere'de İşçi Sınıfının Durumu [özgür çeviri]
3Friedrich Engels – İngiltere'de İşçi Sınıfının Durumu [özgür çeviri]

What an Erasmus student should know

This post does not target those Erasmus students who take the programme as it is and enjoy it till hell. It aims at the increasingly increasing group of people who express dislike and a non-conformist attitude toward the “typical Erasmus life”.

I have bad news: There is no such thing as an Erasmus student who doesn't lead the Erasmus life. That's because there is no such thing as integrating to a society in five months.

Do you remember how long it took you to have your first friend? Some one and a half years, maybe?

Do you remember that, by the time you were three years old, your parents and the society structurally encouraged you to make friends? That there were special environments designed solely for this purpose?

Do you remember that it took you a whole adolescence period to comprehend how people live, talk and behave, to analyse and criticize social norms, to position yourself in the society? (and this, in a society you had been living in for some ten years already) And that the society was comparatively tolerant to your confusions and struggles at that period of your life?

But wait ! You don't have that much time there, do you?

When you are an adult, you are on your own. You happen to pop up in a new social ecosystem. The society is moving – and not really considering your insignificant introduction to the equation. You have to handle it, understand it, digest it. This may mean a boring life for a while, compared to what you are used to at home. (Or, you can as well hang out with the Erasmus people, go to the parties and all that.)

Yet there is more to it: When you were introduced to your own society, you were more or less a blank sheet. Now you already “know” that the Germans are disciplined, the Italians talk loudly, the Swedish are cold, the Spanish are talkative etc. You not only get into a new society, you are also not prepared for it – in the sense that you are too prepared in another direction.

The society you are introduced to also has such “knowledge” about you. Furthermore, they are also aware that you are temporary, that, in the worst case, you can just quit and go back home. Quite an uneven game to play for them, don't you think?

Erasmus, as a matter of fact any kind of immigration, is artificial. You must accept the fact that your experience is artificial, that you will not integrate naturally, that it will take a lot of effort.

But hey, I have good news too. It is an amazing experience anyway. Simply taking your time, feeling the society's rhythm and observing the life of your equivalent in that society is more inspiring than most of what you could learn in wherever you come from.
So, here are a few survival tips:
  • Do not assume ! Observe, question, and ask. Almost nothing is “by default” in this new life.
  • Take the language opportunity. Try to avoid the crooked version of American sit-com English. Practice talking, but don't neglect to correct yourself.
    Erasmus environments operate like language mistake epidemics, where a bunch of non-English speaking people communicate through a language of standardized mistakes and repetitive expressions.
  • Find your equivalents in the society. Integrate through your previous social activities.
  • This is the most crucial of all: Students tend to assume that they can understa
    nd a society by discussing it with other foreigners. This is not how it works. (Or rather, this you could do at home as well, by watching a documentary or something.) Instead, you have to wait, listen, observe, reflect and take action to be able to comprehend the implicit social codes.

That's all folks ! Have a nice holiday; or whatever..