Facebook'tan Önce Son Çıkış - Personal Facebook Phase-Out

Facebook'tan Önce Son Çıkış bilgilendirme notu 2

(scroll down for English)

Daha önce de duyurduğum üzere, Facebook hesabımı kademeli olarak kapatıyorum. Benden haber almakla ilgileniyorsanız, kişisel blogumu eposta ile takip etmek isteyebilirsiniz.

Şimdiye kadar şu aşamaları tamamladım:

* Facebook sohbette çevrimiçi olmamak

* herhangi bir şey paylaşmamak ve paylaşılanlara yorum yapmamak

* Facebook profilimi büyük ölçüde devre dışı bırakmak

Hedeflerimden bazılarını henüz sadece yarılamış durumdayım:

* arkadaşlarımla eposta bağlantıları inşa ederek Facebook dışında temasta kalmak

* profilime bir süre hiç girmemek

Hesabımı tamamen kapatma kararımdan caydım, çünkü takip etmek istediğim çeşitli etkinliklerle ilgili bilgilere sadece Facebook üzerinden ulaşabildiğimi fark ettim.

Eğer henüz size eposta ile ulaşmadıysam, hayatımı kolaylaştırmak adına bana bir eposta yollarsanız çok sevinirim.


Personal Facebook Phase-Out notice 2

As I previously announced, I am phasing out my Facebook account. If you are interested in hearing from me, you might want to follow my personal blog by email notifications.

Until now, I accomplished the following steps:

* not being online on Facebook chat

* not posting anything and not commenting on any posts

* deleting most of my personal information in my profile

Some of the steps are still in progress:

* reestablishing email contacts with friends to keep in touch outside the realm of Facebook

* not to login to my profile for some time

I changed my mind about putting my account on suspension, because I realized that there are some events that are announced only on Facebook.

If I did not reach you by email yet, you can help me by sending a short email.

best of bests,

What is a conversation?


This is not a conversation:
I must – I have to – I should – I want to – I should – (okay) – I should demand – I should ask – I should tell – (no) – you should tell – you have to tell – (no no) – I want you to tell – I need you to tell – to say – to explain – I need you to explain – we – we – we – we have to talk – it would be nice – (good) – it would be nice – it would be great if we – it would be great if you could – it would be great if we could – (very good) – it would be great if we could talk about – about – about... – (damn) – it would be great if we could talk about how... you – …about how we... will – (where was I) – it would be nice – great – it would be great if we could talk about how we will – how you think we could – we would – (very good) – it would be great if we could talk about how you think we would – (damn, I give up).

This is a conversation:
+ What are you thinking about?
- Nothing.

Fall back ! Retreat !

Fall back ! Retreat !

A bed in the middle of the stage. Woman lying on the bed, eyes wide open. Man enters, walks slowly towards her, halts at a distance of three meters, never approaches any closer during the act.
- Am I interrupting?
+ Yes.
- May I continue?
+ For sure.
- (Cheerful.) So, what have you being doing?
+ (Bored.) I'm in the middle of something here.
- Nice, let's talk about what you are in the middle of.
+ Okay, you know what, you tell me things and I mind my own business.
- But will you listen?
+ To what?
- To what I will tell.
+ That's none of my business, is it?
- Irresistible logic. (Short silence.) Should I start?
+ To what?
- Telling stuff.
+ I don't mind.
Long silence.
+ (Notices him.) Ah, you're still here. Are you finished?
- More or less.
+ Oh, is there more?
- No, there is less.
+ Very well. Where were we?
- You were supposed to tell me how you have been doing.
+ Was I?
- We could assume that.
+ But we could assume a lot of things.
- That's so not true.
+ (Bored.) Would you rather go, or stay here?
- (Hesitates, sighs.) That's a very clever way to put it. (Sits down, sighs again, gets up, hesitates, sits down, sighs.)