Phil353 : Construction of Self-contradicting Systems (3)
FFF 456
Prerequisites: Rel101 (Introduction to Religious Beliefs) , Phil000 (Idealism)
The aim of this course is to develop the skill of creating thoughts and finding objective truths that are inconsistent with each other. There will be no midterms. Final exam will be a homework in which students are asked to create a new religion of their own.
Phil321 : Introduction to Berkeley (4)
TTThTh 1212
Prerequisites: Phil121 (Understanding Berkeley’s Writings) , Phil122 (Understanding the Existence of Berkeley’s Writings) , Phil221 (Introduction to Finding Reasons to Read Berkeley’s Writings) , Phil222 (Introduction to Finding Good Reasons to Read Berkeley’s Writings) , Psy141 (Elementary Empathy)
In this course, students will be asked to read at least 10 pages of any works of George Berkeley. It is advised that only students who have enough patience and tolerance register to this course.
Pols222 : Leninist Marxism (1)
F 8
The aim of this course is to show that there is no such thing called Leninist Marxism. The students are required to have skimming and scanning skills. There will be weekly quizzes, each of which is about finding contradicting points in given paragraphs of Marx and Lenin.
Gre101 : Introduction to Greek Language (2)
MM 12
All mathematics and physics student must take this course in their first year at the university. Greek alphabet will be taught in order to help students understand what those weird symbols are that they are using. Also, pronunciation and writing skills of the participants will be improved as they try to learn those freaky letters.
Geo105 : Geography for Science Students 1 (3)
MWW 356
Students who don’t know that there is a difference between Africa and Asia are encouraged to take this course. There will be two lab sessions weekly, developing skills of recognizing a map from a painting, finding countries in a map, and writing their own country’s name correctly.
Lit203 : Introduction to Poetry (4)
Instructor: NONE
TTThTh 3434
We have no idea what to teach in this course. There will be no midterm or final exam. Any sort of homework or quiz is forbidden. Students will be asked to read poets during class, sharing their favorite ones with other participants.
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